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QNT for Pets Online Course Pre-Order

QNT For Pets Online Course

Learn How to Help Pets Get Better Naturally


Do you want to learn how to test your pets for health issues?

Do you want to help your pet be at their very best?

Do you want to help extend your pets life and save on expensive vet bills, lab tests and imaging?

Do you want to add another service to your practice?


What you'll get:

  • One Year Access to the QNT for Pets Online Course
  • Watch and re-watch your favorite moments from QNT Pets
  • Quantum test pets head to tail with this online course 

  • Learn how to Quantum test pets in-person and from a distance

  • Add another service, Pets, to your practice. Expand your skill set and attract a new clientele by offering this sought-after service

  • Gain expertise in identifying and addressing common dog problems like skin problems, ear troubles, constant itching, diarrhea, parasites, dental issues, obesity and more

  • Equip yourself with the knowledge to tackle common cat problems like respiratory, urinary, scratching, parasites, poor coat condition, food intolerances and more

  • Become the go to expert in dog and cat well-being in your area and beyond

  • Quantum test your pets' foods to determine the best choices for their unique needs

  • Ensure that pets are receiving the nutrition they deserve for a long and healthy life

  • Quantum test pet rashes and find the root causes and solutions that can help

  • Quantum test stubborn pet fur issues and discover effective solutions

  • Learn about pet energy and how to help behavioral issues

  • Solve mystery pet cases 

  • Become a detective in the world of pet care and provide answers where others couldn't  

BONUS: Dr. Barbara Fox special presentations on essential oils for pets, how to make homemade pet foot, vaccines and more!

Dr. Barbara Fox, Holistic Veterinarian

You don't want to miss this! 


You will learn:

  • Proper application of essential oils for pets
  • How to use oils with animal patients
  • About the dangers of commercially-processed food
  • Why it's important to feed a species appropriate diet 
  • How to read pet food labels
  • What ingredients to avoid
  • How to prepare a simple, homemade pet food diet
  • How to incorporate supplements into a pet's diet
  • Vaccine exemptions for our furry friends