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BOOTCAMP: Drilling ROFs and QNT Memberships!

How to Handle Any Objection & Close QNT Memberships Easily!

with Dr. Lisa Palmer, DC!

    • 2 Hour Recorded Deep Dive Bootcamp with Dr. Lisa Palmer

    • Digging even deeper into the QNT Reporting of Findings and QNT Memberships!

    • You’re in the hot seat with this QNT Bootcamp on QNT ROF’s and Memberships! What excuses are patients giving you on why they won't start? How do you handle these excuses, calmly, cooly, to a start?

    • DRILLING of how to handle patient excuses! We will break out into groups and really get this down!

    • Bring Dr. Lisa Palmer, your hardest client excuse and get answers on how to get them to sign on!

    • What is the most common excuse given? 

    • What keeps patients from starting?

    • When you purchase this Bootcamp you get the Mastering ROFs and QNT Memberships FREE (Valued at $99) and The How to Increase Your Profits Course as a FREE BONUS (Valued at $295) Total BONUS Value $394 


🎙️ Special Host:
✅ Dr. Lisa Palmer, Founder of Quantum Nutrition Testing and Co-Owner of Palmer Natural Health, one of the U.S largest holistic healthcare practices seeing over 400 patient visits per week!



📚 Register now for the showcase for only $199! Regularly $495

EPIC Mastermind Members Receive Bootcamps for FREE!

Elite Mastermind Members Receive a Special Discount on Bootcamps!


-Dr. Lisa Palmer